Full-time daddy?
How long am I going to be like this, full-time daddy? My Mum is still sick and not yet recover and the most worry thing is we don't really know what's wrong with her! Just recovering from flu and running nose yesterday, looking forward going to work today as there are many things on hand and need to finish by this week...but need to take urgent leave to take care of my little cute daughter and my Mum. It couldn't be good if we both are working and worrying at the same time...I hope my Mum recovers soon! They are sleeping now and this is the great time to blog......:) and doing housework:(. I hope S doesn't mind to see me as a full time daddy nowadays! Frankly, I enjoy cooking and doing house work so much...just wanna spend time and effort to create nice dishes for family and hope them enjoy. And honestly to share with you that become full-time daddy is much better than working as I realized how tired and exhaust after work...! That's day will come as I always dream of being free and secure in finance...so we could enjoy ourselve as RETIRE YOUNG and RETIRE RICH.
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